Yesterday was a rough day for the kids and I. We said goodbye to our very dear, loving friend of 17 years, Precious (our kitty). We will miss him tremendously. He was laid to rest yesterday at 11:45am. He has been sick for about 6 months, unable to maintain his weight and having a hard time getting up once he is laying down. I don't know what made him continue to hold on in his condition. I think he just wanted me to make the decision for him. I had to him put to sleep because he was nothing but a rack of bones. There are no words to describe how I feel today and probably will feel for a long time to come. I feel like part of my heart was ripped out. I actually had chest pains yesterday all day. I am sure that I will get over this eventually. It is just a big adjustment to lose a pet you have had for half your life. He used to sleep with the kids when they were babies in the crib. He would stretch out alongside them and sometimes put his arm around them as if he were protecting them. He has seen me through some of the best and worst times of my life. He always purred whenever we came home or paid the slightest bit of attention to him. There will never be another cat like him. He was a wonderful companion to us and will be sadly missed. I am positive he is in heaven looking down at us and feeling 100% better and that gives me comfort.
Up the Rocky Road
Come join us as we enter into our newest venture: Life up our rocky road. Laugh,cry & rejoice with us as we adjust to the changes of the past year. I write about life with two dogs, three cats, a pre-teen and a teenager.
So sorry to hear about Precious, I know how much you loved him. It is never easy to lose a pet, they become part of the family, like your child. He must have loved being part of your family, he was so old and held on so long, for that main reason I bet. What a special friend he was. He is definnately looking down on you, watching and waiting for you to come home to your mansion in Heaven. I truelly beleive that.....Good by Precious!
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